Alton news

Read the latest news and updates on the Alton area regeneration.

October 2024

Design team appointed

We are pleased to announce we have selected an experienced design team to guide the Alton Renewal Plan housing proposals. 

HTA Design and their team of architects, planners and designers have substantial experience working with residents and communities. 

We'd love you to meet the team. Join us for an introductory event:

Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.

August 2024

Youth Advisory Panel launched

The Alton's Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) has been launched with massive success, with the Wandsworth Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor in attendance.

YAP members will help shape the Alton Renewal Plans, which include key community facilities across the Alton estate.

If you are aged 10 to 18, live on the Alton estate and are interested in joining the Youth Advisory Panel, email or call 0208 871 6207 to speak with an officer to find out more.

July 2024

The Alton Renewal Plan is in motion

Wandsworth Council Leader, Simon Hogg, pledged immediate and longer-term improvements to services and homes across the Alton estate as he got behind the wheel of the council's new plan for the area.

June 2024

Planning permission granted for Downshire Field and Alton Activity Centre

We are delighted to announce that at the Planning Applications Committee on 20 June 2024, the plans for enhancements to the landscaping and play facilities at Downshire Field and Alton Activity Centre, received unanimous approval.

This marks a major first stage in the delivery of the Alton Renewal Plan.

March 2024

The Royal Parks unveils proposals for a restored Roehampton Café

This spring, local communities and park visitors will get the chance to find out about the plans for a new café and enhanced landscape at Roehampton Gate in Richmond Park. 

The Royal Parks charity, which manages Richmond Park, is proposing a project to replace the popular café, as well as improve the landscape it sits in to help increase biodiversity in that part of the park. The charity is holding three public engagement days and is encouraging local residents and park visitors to come along, have a look at the plans, ask questions and give feedback. The dates for the engagement days are:

•    1 to 4pm on Thursday 4 April, Roehampton Café
•    10am to 1pm on Saturday 6 April, Roehampton Café
•    11am to 2pm on Friday 12 April, Pen Ponds

Read more about the plans on the Royal Parks website.

Alton newsletter - Spring 2024

Issue 37 includes updates on the Early Improvement Plan for the Alton Estate Regeneration and the Fontley Way development, features a few of the many events and activities that have taken place over the past few months, celebrates the Roehampton Community Box turning four, and introduces the Roehampton Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Read the Spring 2024 Alton newsletter.

January 2024

Alton Engagement Action Plan 2023-24

The Alton Engagement Action Plan for 2023 to 2024 has been published. The plan reports on engagement activity on the Alton Estate over the past 12 months and recommends agreement to future engagement activities and meanwhile uses.

View the Alton Community Engagement Action Plan 2023/24

December 2023

Chantelle's Community Kitchen

As recently featured on BBC London News, Chantelle's Community Kitchen offers pre-packed nutritious homemade meals every Tuesday between 11am and 1pm to residents of Roehampton.

Come along to Portswood Space (4 Portswood Place, SW15 4ED) for a free homemade meal to eat in or takeaway. Donations will be much appreciated if you feel able.

Chantelle’s Community Kitchen always welcomes new volunteers, with or without cooking experience. There are a variety of roles to fill in the friendly kitchen on Mondays and Tuesdays.

You can follow Chantelle’s Community Kitchen on Twitter or contact them by email at

November 2023

Alton newsletter - Autumn 2023

Issue 36 includes updates on the Early Improvement Plan for the Alton Estate Regeneration and the Fontley Way development. It features a few of the many events and activities that have taken place over the past few months, talks to Chantelle Bent about her new community kitchen and introduces the Mobile Youth Centre.

Read the Autumn 2023 Alton newsletter.

August 2023

Wandsworth's first mobile youth centre

We are excited to announce Wandsworth's first mobile youth centre. The bus will enable us to reach young people wherever they are in Wandsworth - making sure they have access to up-to-date information on education, mental and sexual health services as well as somewhere to relax and socialise.

The launch event will take place on Monday 18 September at Alton Arts Hub, 6 Portswood Place, Roehampton, SW15 4ED from 4 to 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and celebrate!

July 2023

Alton newsletter - Summer 2023

Issue 35 includes a further update on the Options Review for the Alton Estate Regeneration and the Early Improvement Plan, announces the name of the new development on Fontley Way, and introduces the Roehampton Community Health Champions, as well as the Urban Squirrels rescue charity based on the estate!

Read the Summer 2023 Alton newsletter.

June 2023

Alton Estate Community Engagement - Findings

As part of the options appraisal process for the Alton Estate regeneration, we recently undertook extensive community engagement, seeking residents' views across a variety of topics and themes to help identify priorities for the future regeneration.

Over 500 responses were received, from which feedback has helped develop six key objectives, which were approved at June Housing Committee. The objectives will now form the criteria for assessing the shortlist of options, on which we will carry out further community engagement.

Read the Alton Estate Engagement Findings report.

Housing Committee report

The Housing Committee met on Wednesday 21 June 2023 where they discussed proposals for the Alton Estate regeneration. Recommendations made in the committee paper were approved.

View further information:

March 2023

Alton newsletter - Spring 2023

Issue 34 includes an update on the Options Review for the Alton Estate Regeneration, introduces the Children's Laureate who recalls his childhood growing up in Roehampton, looks at meanwhile use of buildings and spaces on the estate, and introduces Roehampton's new Children's Librarian.

Read the Spring 2023 Alton newsletter.

December 2022

Alton newsletter - Winter 2022

Issue 33 provides the latest news on the Alton regeneration scheme and the Homes for Wandsworth programme, introduces your new Housing Community Champion and features an update on the Roehampton Community Box.

Read the Winter 2022 Alton newsletter

November 2022

Housing Committee report

The Housing Committee met on Wednesday 16 November 2022 where they discussed plans for the Alton Estate regeneration. Recommendations made in the committee paper were approved.

View further information:

October 2022

Alton newsletter - Autumn 2022

Our special bulletin edition of Alton News provides an update on the Alton Regeneration scheme and answers some of your FAQs, including 'Will the Alton Regeneration still go ahead?', 'What happens now and how long will the process take?', and 'Are the Regeneration Team continuing Community Engagement events?'

Read the Autumn 2022 Alton newsletter.

September 2022

Housing Committee report

Wandsworth Council’s Housing Committee is due to meet on Wednesday 14 September 2022 where they will discuss plans for the Alton Estate regeneration.

View further information:

News archive

July 2022

Alton newsletter - Summer 2022

Issue 32 features an update from the Cabinet Member for Housing, introduces your Early Years Parent Champion and rounds up our Jubilee and Arts Fringe highlights.

Read the Summer 2022 Alton newsletter

March 2022

Alton newsletter - Spring 2022

Our special bulletin edition of Alton News answers some of your FAQs about the Alton Regeneration scheme, including 'What is happening now?', 'How will I benefit?', and 'When will construction begin?'.

Read the Spring 2022 Alton newsletter

Procurement process starts for Alton Estate regeneration

We have announced the start of our procurement process to find a new partner for the regeneration of the Alton Estate.

Decisions were taken at the November 2020 and February 2021 Housing and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committees that the preferred delivery model will be a corporate joint venture.

It is expected that the procurement process will take around 12 months to arrive at a preferred bidder, with a further six months to negotiate and sign contracts before work can begin.

To find out more, read Procurement process starts for Alton Estate regeneration.

Contractor appointed for Fontley Way development

Stack London Ltd has been awarded the contract for the build of our 14-home development at Fontley Way. 

Stack London has strong experience in the construction sector, working on a number of projects including new residential buildings and complex refurbishment projects across London and the South East of England.

Work will soon start on site, marking the beginning of the second residential block in the Alton regeneration scheme. Details of a 'Meet the contractor' event will shortly be announced.

To find out more, read Contractor appointed for Fontley Way development

February 2022

Alton estate regeneration receives the green light from the Mayor

Great news for the Alton Estate, as it receives the green light for regeneration of the area.

Plans include homes across a range of sizes and tenures, a purpose-built community space, extra retail space and an accessible hub for new businesses. 

To find out more, read the full article.

January 2022

Alton newsletter - Winter 2021/22

Issue 31 celebrates the opening of McKinney House, delves into what the Regeneration will deliver at Portswood Place and rounds up our Roehampton Festive Fortnight highlights!

Read the winter 21/22 Alton newsletter

December 2021

Roehampton Community Shed officially opened

On 6 December, we celebrated the launch of Roehampton Community Shed in its new location at 5 Portswood Place.

After being forced to closed during the pandemic, a lengthy planning application process and several months of collaboration between the Shed team, Age UK and the Regeneration Team to redecorate the former takeaway shop unit. We were delighted to see the Shed operating fully again in its bigger and brighter premises.

The opening event was a fantastic opportunity for the Shed to showcase some of the amazing community projects they had been working hard on in the previous months, including hedgehog houses which were desperately needed as winter approached, and dexterity boards which are used by the Physio Team at Queen Mary's Hospital to help patients exercise their hands.

To find out more, read the full article or watch a video of the opening.

October 2021

McKinney House declared open

The development in Bessborough Road, Roehampton, has been called McKinney House to celebrate the life of the former vicar of Holy Trinity Church, the late Rev. Jim McKinney.

The site, which delivers 10 new council homes, is the first to be completed in the Alton regeneration scheme.

The Rev’s two children, Ruth and Alex, cut the ribbon to formally open the development on Friday 15 October.

To find out more, read the full article.

Alton newsletter - Autumn 2021

Find out how we celebrated the Downshire Field Bull's 60th birthday and read our review of the Roehampton Community Week highlights. Plus we look back at some of the changes already made by the Regeneration Team in 'Before and After on the Alton Estate'.

Read the Autumn 2021 Alton newsletter

June 2021

Alton newsletter - Summer 2021

Find enclosed your very own 'pull out and keep guide' to what's on during Roehampton Community Week, as well as updates on the almost completed block at Bessborough Road, Roehampton Shed reopening their workshop at Portswood Place, and much, much more!

Read the Summer 2021 Alton Newsletter.

Sign up to receive text alerts

We are setting up a text message distribution list. Residents will receive news and event information relating to the Alton Regeneration quickly and directly.

If you are interested in signing up to receive our text alerts, please call or text 020 8871 6207 or email us at with your name, address, mobile phone number and the subject line
‘Alton text alerts’, and we will add you to our SMS distribution list.

April 2021

Petersfield Rise landscaping

As part of the Bessborough Road development works, local residents, shoppers and visitors to the area can now enjoy improvements to the paving and landscaping outside the retail parade on Petersfield Rise. Finance Director of Heanens Wholesale Meats on Petersfield Rise, Hayden Harbud, said:

“In over 25 years of staring out of our window and looking at a rundown area of the estate, we finally have something very eye catching, welcoming, clean and modern to look at. It has brought life into an area, that the shops and community will thrive on.”

Surge testing

A number of cases of the COVID-19 South African variant have been identified in south London. Everyone who lives or works in Wandsworth is urged to take a COVID-19 PCR test.

Collecting a PCR test, or ordering a home test kit, is the quickest and easiest way to get a test. You can collect and drop off a PCR test at one of 23 pharmacies.

March 2021

Fontley Way hoardings

Children from the neighbouring Alton Community Playschool had ‘a hand’ in creating the colourful design for a vibrant new hoarding installed around the Fontley Way development site.

The children, aged between two and four, spent a fun, messy morning painting handprints which were incorporated in the final design of the hoarding which spans 40 metres and will enhance the area prior to and during construction.

The site, which was previously the home of the One O’Clock Club, has been boarded up whilst work on the plans for the development of 14 new affordable homes progresses. Planning permission was obtained in September 2020 and the team is currently in the final stage of the design process for the building, which will lead to the start of construction.

Alton Regeneration Newsletter - Spring 2021

Find out about the brilliant initiative 'Roehampton Community Week', as well as updates on our development partner procurement process, and various community projects. We also introduce our new Community Engagement and Cultural Coordinator.

Read Alton Regeneration Newsletter

Introducing our Community Engagement and Cultural Coordinator

The Alton Regeneration Team is delighted to welcome Jo Baxter as our Community Engagement and Cultural Coordinator. Jo joined us on 1 March 2021 from the Central Area Housing Team where she was the Resident Participation Officer. Jo will be working closely with the Roehampton community to develop our Community Engagement and Cultural Strategies into an exciting programme of events and activities.

Jo says:

"The history of the Alton estate is well-known, and I want to shout about the area, about its wonderful greenery, and hold community events to which residents can invite their friends and families. I care deeply about environmental issues and I want to move conversations away from formal environments to meeting around a planter or on a bat walk in the evening!

"This - working in resident community engagement - is my dream job. I want the role to be resident-driven and for me to be the enabler for it to happen.

"I am excited to get to know the local community and to work closely with you in future. If you spot me (and my distinctive red hair!) around the estate, please stop me and say 'hi'!"

December 2020

Roehampton's 12 Days of Christmas

View our 2020 version of the 12 days of Christmas, featuring local people from the Alton estate.

With best wishes for health, happiness and love this Christmas.

Stay safe and enjoy,

From the Alton Regeneration Team.

October 2020

Alton Estate masterplan approved

The masterplan to regenerate the Alton Estate has been approved by Wandsworth Council’s Planning Applications Committee on Thursday 22 October 2020.

Cllr Ravi Govindia, Leader of the Council, said:

“Wandsworth Council is absolutely committed to the regeneration of the Alton and this is a significant milestone for what is an important scheme. This regeneration has always been more than just about bricks and mortar. Whilst this scheme will transform the lives of those that move into new homes, the wider community will benefit from the new jobs and training opportunities as well as access to better community facilities and open spaces that will ensure the Alton remains a place that people are proud to call home.”

September 2020

Alton Regeneration Update

In the wake of Redrow Homes' recent departure as its development partner, Wandsworth Council has officially confirmed its ongoing commitment to ensuring the delivery of the regeneration of the Alton Estate.

At the Council’s Housing and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on Thursday 17 September it was agreed that the Council would take over responsibility for the planning application and would look for a new partner to take the work forward. Following consultation with a number of local stakeholders and residents, the Council also agreed a new approach to resident engagement and that a full Engagement Strategy should be prepared by November this year.

The planning application for the Alton Estate masterplan is expected to go to planning committee in October.

Fontley Way Planning Approval

Wandsworth Council’s Planning Committee voted unanimously in favour of the development of fourteen new family homes on Fontley Way. As well as replacement homes to enable the Alton regeneration, the development will deliver parking, secure cycle storage, landscape improvements, under-5 play and outdoor amenity space. The development will also make a contribution to the play area at Ibsley Gardens to improve facilities for children over the age of 5.

Following the departure of Redrow Homes from the Alton Regeneration, council officers are looking at alternative options to develop the site. Residents will be notified as soon as a delivery plan is identified and when a construction programme is agreed.

August 2020

Joint statement from Wandsworth Borough Council and Redrow Homes

Read the joint statement from Wandsworth Borough Council and Redrow Homes regarding the Alton Estate Regeneration, issued on 6 August 2020.

June 2020

Alton Regeneration Newsletter - June 2020

Find out about the brilliant work undertaken by community groups to deliver the Roehampton Community Boxes, as well as information on the Alton Regeneration planning application, Citizen Advice Wandsworth's and My Roehampton project. Also, updates on the Bessborough Road development and the refurbishment of the Witley Point MUGA.

Read Alton Regeneration newsletter

May 2020

Bessborough Road works recommence

Work recommenced on the Bessborough Road development on 18 May following a period of inactivity during the COVID-19 lockdown. Safety measures have been introduced including social distancing, an enhanced cleaning regime and the introduction of a ‘COVID-19 Supervisor’ who will be responsible for policing the new measures. Adaptions have also been made to procedures such as signing in, new-worker inductions, site meetings and site signage.

To ensure the new practices are followed, Redrow have also introduced a whistle-blower safeguard through which workers can anonymously report violations of the new guidelines. Local residents and businesses have also been provided with contact details to discuss any concerns they may have.

January 2020

Bessborough Road: Ground Breaking Ceremony

The development partners broke ground at the Bessborough Road site at a ceremony on 29 January to mark construction, which is underway.

The development at Bessborough Road will deliver ten new council homes for existing residents, comprising of five flats and five maisonettes, each with access to either a private garden or private balcony. The new homes will be fully adaptable to meet the mobility needs of residents, with one maisonette being designed specifically for wheelchair use. Residents will also benefit from bike storage, a children’s play area, and landscape improvements to the green space outside of the homes.

Proposed changes to the mix of housing for the Alton Estate Regeneration

The initial planning application for the Alton Estate regeneration was submitted in June 2019 by Redrow Homes. Following a statutory planning consultation, both the Council and Redrow Homes carefully reflected on comments made by the public and the GLA in respect of the location of council housing. A comprehensive proposal has been prepared by the Council’s Housing Regeneration Team which it believes addresses these concerns and will also accelerate the delivery of council housing in the first phase.

Additional key amendments include:

  • Increased provision of shared ownership units
  • Block A will now provide more council homes for rent
  • Block O will now be a mixture of new homes for council tenants and resident leaseholders rather than a private block.
  • Block Q2 will now be completely shared ownership

Updates on these proposals were shared with residents within the intervention area of the Alton estate through a series of engagement sessions carried out by the regeneration team in January.

View the new phasing plan presentation boards.

November 2019

Bessborough Road Development: Considerate Constructors Report

Despite the fact that works are still at a very early stage, Bessborough Road has been commended by the Considerate Constructors monitors for having very high levels of code compliance.

The report highlights that there has been strong engagement with the local community, highly compliant environmental practices and a robust health and safety inspection regime. The report singled out the hoarding surrounding the site, which features artwork from pupils at Heathmere School, as very impressive, and commented on Redrow’s strong goodwill and charitable support in and around the local community.

Read the full report.

September 2019

Building works begin on Bessborough Road

Located on Bessborough Road, the development will provide ten new Council homes for tenants and leaseholders already living on the Alton Estate. The development contains five maisonettes and five flats, each with access to either a private garden or private balcony. The development will also be fully adaptable to meet the mobility needs of residents, and one maisonette has been designed specifically for wheelchair use. The development will offer bike storage, a play area, and landscape improvements to the front of the property and to Petersfield Rise.

Wandsworth Council’s development partner, Redrow Homes, went on site at the end of July 2019 to clear the area and to erect hoarding. The hoarding features paintings by pupils from Heathmere Primary School on the theme of 'My favourite thing about Roehampton'. Pupils’ paintings depict London buses, deer from Richmond Park, and the local dinosaurs.

June 2019

Planning application submitted

A planning application has been submitted for the Alton area which includes 1,103 new and replacement homes, new community facilities and improvements to the local infrastructure. Phase one of the development will deliver new homes for existing residents and a multi-purpose community building which will contain a bigger Roehampton library, a new youth centre to replace the Base, a doctors’ surgery, a community hall and a café.

View the planning newsletter.

View full details of the application, environmental statement, plans and other documents submitted with the application.

June 2018

Regeneration Public Exhibition

More than 250 people attended the public exhibition sessions in Roehampton Parish Hall on Wednesday 6 and Saturday 9 June 2018. The exhibition provided an opportunity to share the revised plans that residents and consultees have helped to create, and to let residents know how the regeneration will affect them.

January 2018

Planning application for Bessborough Road submitted

A planning application has been submitted for Bessborough Road which sees the removal of Sherwood Lodge and the construction of tennew affordable homes, with a mixture of shared equity and council rent homes to meet the needs of the residents that will move in.

View full details of the application, environmental statement, plans and other documents submitted with the application.

March 2017

Redrow PLC selected as preferred bidder

Redrow plc, a FTSE 250 company and one of the UK's leading home builders, is the preferred bidder for the regeneration of Wandsworth Council’s Alton estate, following an EU-compliant procurement process.

A competition was launched in March 2016 to find a development partner to replace post-war council housing in parts of the 17 acre Alton estate, in Roehampton, which will see the delivery of a new library and retail area twice the size of existing provision; a new health centre and children’s centre; a new park and around 1,000 private and affordable new homes. All planned to be created over the next ten years.