Our planning policies

The Council's planning policies aim to protect and enhance quality of life and improve economic and social opportunities. They are the basis for promoting and managing development in the borough.

Local Plan

The Local Plan consists of a series of documents which set out the spatial vision for Wandsworth, our strategy for delivery of this vision, detailed policies for managing development in the borough and development sites where change is anticipated in the borough.

Local Plan Performance and Monitoring

We monitor the performance of the Local Plan, the results of which are published in the Authority's Monitoring Reports (AMR), as required by the Localism Act 2011.

Supplementary Planning Documents

We have adopted and are preparing a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to provide further guidance on policies set out in Local Plan documents. 

Community Infrastructure Levy

Although not formally part of the Local Plan, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be used to help provide the infrastructure necessary to support the delivery of the London Plan and Wandsworth's Local Plan.

The Mayoral CIL came into effect on 1 April 2012, while Wandsworth Council's CIL came info effect on 1 November 2012.

On the 4 February 2019 the Mayor of London adopted the new Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy (MCIL2) Charing Schedule. This will come into effect on 1 April 2019. 

Copies of the adopted MCIL2 Charging Schedule, Examiner’s Report, and associated documentation can be viewed at the GLA website.

Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood Planning provides local communities with the opportunity to help shape and manage development in their local area.

Statement of Community Involvement

Our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how we involve the community in the preparation, alteration and review of planning policy documents. The Planning Service undertakes regular consultation on the development of its Local Plan and related policy documents.

Local Plan Evidence Base

Find reports and evidence base information that relate to the Local Plan.

The London Plan

The Mayor of London is responsible for producing a planning strategy for London.
Find out and download the current London Plan.

Planning service performance documents

Available documents:

Contact details 

Email: planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk

Planning Policy
Housing & Community Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU