CIL charging schedule and related policies

The council approved its Charging Schedule at a meeting of the full Council on 11 July 2012. Our charging schedule came into effect on 1 November 2012. Our Community Infrastructure Levy expenditure (CIL) charges are in addition to the Mayor of London's CIL.

Our Charging Schedule sets out rates for different types of development in four charging zones in the borough.

CIL Instalment Policy

The council has approved a new instalment policy, effective from 30 April 2020. Our instalment policy applies to the chargeable amount which includes both the council and the Mayor of London's CIL charges in Wandsworth. On large developments, where details are approved in phases, the instalment policy applies to the charges relating to each individual phase.

Coronavirus Payment Deferral Process

The government introduced temporary discretionary provisions to allow Councils to defer payment of CIL instalments where a liable party was negatively affected by the Coronavirus pandemic and struggling to pay their CIL Charge. This provision was available for payments that were due up until 31 July 2021.

To make a payment deferral request, the following evidence must be provided:

  • Evidence that the liable party has an annual turnover not exceeding £45,000,000
  • Evidence that the liable party was experiencing financial difficulties for reasons directly connected to the effects of COVID-19 resulting in difficulty paying the outstanding CIL amount

In addition to the payment being deferred, a request may also be made for any Late Payment Interest accrued between 21 March 2020 and the date of the payment deferral request to be off-set against the CIL amount due.

The Council has full discretion under the Regulations whether to grant a payment deferral request or a Late Payment Interest request. Should the Council agree to defer the CIL payment, it retains the right to refuse the Late Payment Interest request. Late Payment Interest can only be offset if the payment has been deferred.

Contact the CIL Team at for further information on the Payment Deferral process.

CIL Charitable and Social Housing Relief 

Under the CIL Regulations certain development by charities is exempt from CIL and development of social (affordable) housing is subject to 100% relief.  In addition, the council has approved a Discretionary Charitable Relief Policy.

In order for the council to apply Charitable Exemption, Discretionary Charitable Relief or Social Housing Relief, CIL liable parties must complete a Claiming Exemption or Relief form. This form should be completed and sent to the Council following the grant of planning permission at the same time as the Assumption of Liability form. These forms can be downloaded from the Planning Portal.

Self-Build (new dwellings, annexes and extensions) Exemption

Under the CIL Regulations some development is eligible for exemption as self-build projects. To be eligible the claimant must be building the property as a self-build development and it must be their sole or main residence. They must also complete the correct Claiming Exemption Form for the type of self-build development that is taking place.

Protocol for withdrawal of CIL liability notice

The Council has an agreed protocol for the withdrawal of a Liability Notice in certain limited circumstances. Specific criteria will have to be met and relevant information, as set out in the protocol, provided.

Completed application forms together with supporting information should be sent to, or The CIL Team, Wandsworth Council, The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 2PU.