Farnborough House Garages, SW15

Homes for Wandsworth

Scheme name and address

Farnborough House Garages

Garages, car parking spaces and land adjacent to Farnborough House Garages, Fontley Way, Alton Estate, SW15


We have commissioned a highly experienced and skilled team of architects, landscape designers and consultants to assess the feasibility for the redevelopment of previously non-residential areas adjacent to Farnborough House Garages into much-needed new council rent homes. We are also exploring opportunities to improve landscaping and play space.

Whilst this site is located on the Alton Estate, it is not part of the original development area under the Alton Estate Regeneration. We are not looking to demolish any existing residential buildings as part of our plans.


Planning permission was approved at the March 2024 Planning Committee. The proposal includes the demolition of all existing structures and erection of three residential blocks (five-storeys) comprising of 38 units (12 x 1-bedroom, 18 x 2-bedroom and 8 x 3-bedroom flats) with associated landscaping/tree planting, car parking, cycle, refuse storage and play area.

The planning application was submitted following consultation with the local community during the design phase of the scheme and their feedback was incorporated into the planning application.

We will continue to keep residents informed as the development progresses. The next steps will be to source and appoint a contractor and create a bespoke works plan.

 You can also visit our dedicated consultation website to read more about the proposals.

Site details

Farnborough House Garages
Ward Roehampton
Status Pre-planning/design feasibility
Number of new homes 38
Tenure mix Council rent
Unit mix

12 x 1 bed flats
18 x 2 bed flats
8 x 3 bed flats

Planning reference


Start on site


Anticipated completion


Proposed site plan



For any queries, contact the Development Team:

Email: developmentteam@wandsworth.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8871 7574