Balham Hill Estate (East), SW12

Homes for Wandsworth

Scheme name and address

Balham Hill Estate (East), SW12.


Proposed redevelopment of disused land on the eastern boundary of the Estate. The new development will provide Council Rent homes for local people and those working within the borough as part of our Homes for Wandsworth programme.


Planning permission was granted at the April 2024 Planning Committee for a scheme that will create four new homes with additional landscaping and amenity improvements.

The planning application was submitted following consultation with the local community during the design phase of the scheme and their feedback was incorporated into the planning application.

We will continue to keep local people informed as the development progresses. The next steps will be to source and appoint a contractor and create a bespoke works plan.

Site details

Balham Hill Estate (East)
Ward Balham
Status Planning application submitted
Number of units 4 units
Tenure mix 4 x Social rent
Unit mix 2 x 1 bed 2 person houses, and 
2 x 2 bed 4 person houses
Planning reference 2023/3622

Site plan


Resident and stakeholder engagements

A second consultation and engagement session with local stakeholders took place on Tuesday 2 May 2023, from 1 to 7pm at the Salvation Army Main Hall, 38 Balham High Road, Balham, SW12 9AH.

Following this session, we will review the current iteration of the designs in order to ensure that we are developing the site in the best interests of the community.

Contact the Development team if you have any queries.



For any queries, contact the Development Team:

Telephone: 020 8871 7149