Annual canvass of residents - frequently asked questions

Find the answers to common questions about the annual canvass of residents.

  1. I have completed a form before. Do I have to respond?
  2. Can anyone respond?
  3. The people on your list have moved out - what shall I do?
  4. I have dual nationality – why haven’t you listed both of my nationalities?
  5. You have sent a form to my shop/business. Do I need to respond?
  6. I have lost the form/email. How can I find the security codes needed to respond online?

I have completed a form before. Do I have to respond? 

If you receive a request for information, please respond straightaway. Each year the Electoral Registration Officer must republish the register of electors. We contact every residential property because we need to ensure that the details we hold are accurate. Responding promptly will stop reminders and personal visits.

Can anyone respond?

Yes, as long as the person providing the information has a connection to the property e.g. current resident, property owner/manager.

The people on your list have moved out - what shall I do?

You can indicate this when you respond online or complete the paper form. Don’t forget to add the names of all current residents who are eligible to vote.

I have dual nationality – why haven’t you listed both of my nationalities?

We can only record one nationality for each elector and we list the nationality that will give you the most voting rights.

You've sent a form to my shop/business. Do I need to respond?

If there is a residential part of the shop/business, the residents or property owner/manager needs to respond. If the property is purely used for business purposes and nobody lives there, delete any registered names and tick the ‘This is solely a business property’ option.

I have lost the form/email. How can I find the security codes needed to respond online.

Please wait for reminder letters or emails and respond then, or contact Electoral Services via our online form or call the Electoral Services Helpline on 020 8871 6023.