Latchmere ward results 2018

I, Paul Martin, being the Returning Officer at the above election, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each Candidate at the said election is as follows:

Notice of results for the Latchmere Ward
Name of Candidate Description No. of Votes *

ALEXANDER, Jonathan James

Liberal Democrats 257

BELTON, Anthony John

commonly known as BELTON, Tony

Labour Party 2,587 Elected
BENNETT, Mark Graham Liberal Democrats 231
CARINGTON, Robert Peter Flavio Conservative Party Candidate 994

HOGG, Simon Arthur

commonly known as HOGG, Simon

Labour Party 2,442 Elected
LEE, Sheaian Margaret Green Party 349

MCHUGH, Alexander Charles Stirling

commonly known as MCHUGH, Alex

Independent 148

POSCHL, Caroline

commonly known as POESCHL, Caroline 

Renew 99
POWER, Eugene Michael UKIP 71
PRICE, Ruth Democrats and Veterans Party 26
RIDOUT, Joseph Conservative Party Candidate 890
STEWART-CLARK, Alex Conservative Party Candidate 913

STOCK, Katharine Clare

commonly known as STOCK, Kate

Labour Party 2,519 Elected
WALDER, Philip Malcolm Liberal Democrats 218

* If elected, the word 'Elected' appears against the number of votes.

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: Number of ballot papers
(a) want of an official mark 0
(b) voting for more Candidates than voter is entitled to 2
(c) writing or mark by which voter could be identified 1
(d) unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 2
(e) rejected in part  0
Total number of rejected papers: 5
Vacant seats Electorate Ballot papers issued Turnout
3  11,169  4136  37.03%

And I do hereby declare that:

  • BELTON, Anthony John
  • HOGG, Simon Arthur
  • STOCK, Katharine Clare

are duly elected.

Paul Martin
Returning Officer