School admissions appeals timetable

The tables below contain key dates in the schools admissions appeal process.

Primary school appeals

Appeals resulting from transfer applications for admission to Reception for Wandsworth primary schools (or to Year 3 at Honeywell Junior School) for September 2025 will be heard according to the following timetable:

September 2025 entry
Action Deadline
National Offer Day 16 April 2025
Date by which an appeal must be submitted 16 May 2025
Dates when appeals will be heard


All appeals received by 16 May 2025 will be heard in the period between 23 June and 18 July 2025


Dates when appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing

10 school days in advance of the hearing

Date by which the Clerk sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the admission authority

7 working days before the appeal hearing

Deadline for appellants to submit additional evidence 8am, 3 working days before the appeal hearing
Decision letters sent to the appellants Within 5 school days after the appeal hearing (whenever possible)

Appeals lodged after 16 May 2025 will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of the appeal being received, whichever is the later date.

Secondary school appeals

Appeals resulting from transfer applications for admission to Year 7 for September 2025 will be heard according to the following timetable:

September 2025 entry
Action Deadline
National Offer Day 3 March 2025
Date by which an appeal must be submitted 22 April 2025
Dates when appeals will be heard

All appeals received by 22 April 2025 will be heard between 19 May and 20 June 2025.

(Excluding half term)

Dates when appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing

10 school days in advance of the hearing

Date by which the Clerk sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the admission authority

7 working days before the appeal hearing

Deadline for appellants to submit additional evidence

8am, 3 working days before the appeal hearing
Decision letters sent to the appellants. Within 5 school days of the appeal hearing (whenever possible)

Appeals lodged after 22 April 2025 may be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of the appeal being received, whichever is the later date.