Old York Road Public Realm improvements

Old York Road is a unique place in the heart of Wandsworth. It is a road that the community holds dear and we plan to maintain its individuality and support local business activity, while bringing improvements to Wandsworth Town. 

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About the Old York Road scheme

In 2020 a scheme was initiated to explore the opportunities for re-appropriating the space on Old York Road and to develop a public realm that better represents how people want to visit and use Old York Road. The scheme was spurred on by a temporary pedestrianisation trial which was introduced on Old York Road during the COVID-19 pandemic, and which gave an opportunity to reimagine Old York Road.

The community was consulted in 2022 on options for Old York Road’s permanent improvements. The consultation shoed support for retaining the existing layout and vehicle access arrangements.

The scheme is now in its final stage where the permanent redesign for Old York Road will be constructed.

View images of the Old York Road:


Approval for the building of a new permanent layout on Old York Road was granted in June 2022.

Works will start on site in late September 2024 to build the permanent layout of Old York Road. Works will start at Morie Street and move gradually east to Ferrier Street.

Access for delivery vehicles will be retained throughout the construction period, but al-fresco dining will need to be suspended at times. Works will be taking place over the autumn, winter and early spring to minimise the impact of these works on local businesses.

You can view the construction plans.

Key elements of the permanent redesign

The function of Old York Road will not change – it will continue to allow motor vehicle access and deliveries as now, but it’s special character as a place for meeting and enjoyment will be enhanced. This will be achieved by replacing the current planters with permanent planting embedded into the raid which will assist ecology, drainage and pedestrian sightlines. We will be replacing the pavements and road with new, high-quality paving.

The transition between seating areas, pavements and roadway will be subtly marked to help ensure safe conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers without undermining the attractiveness of Old York Road as a place where different road users coexist.

Signage, planning, seating and different paving styles will be used to help separate those enjoying the space on foot from those travelling through on bikes. The e-bike for hire operators have also recently introduced a ‘go-slow’ zone in Old York Road, which limits the speed of rented e-bikes.

These improvements to Old York Road will enhance the experience for road users and pedestrians, while retaining its charm and appeal to locals and visitors alike. 

Main elements of the redesign for Old York Road:


New and improved paving will be introduced along Old York Road to maintain an even surface for pedestrians. Bricks will again be used as the primary surfacing material to retain the distinct character of Old York Road.

Vehicle access

The existing vehicle access arrangements will be retained as part of the refurbishment, with vehicles allowed to access Ebner Street via Old York Road and the vehicle link between Tonsley Hill and Edgel Street retained. Vehicles will still be able to turn right onto Ferrier Street from Old York Road.

Business deliveries will still be able to be made via Old York Road, but the timings of these are expected to be restricted to outside of busy times. 

Cameras will continue to be used to enforce the existing access restrictions. 

Crossing points for pedestrians

Continuous crossings will be introduced on all the side roads to ensure a flat surface is maintained for pedestrians and to help make the highway code, which gives pedestrians right of way over traffic when waiting to cross or crossing a junction, intuitive for road users.

Two crossing points will be introduced over the cycleway in the form of zebra crossings opposite Ebner Street and opposite Edgel Street. A new parallel zebra crossing for pedestrians and cyclists will be installed next to the Bramford Gardens’ entrance on Old York Road.

Seating and al fresco dining

Al fresco dining will continue on Old York Road, with local businesses able to place tables on the public highway. Additional public seating will also be introduced.

No outdoor seating areas will be introduced on Alma Road.

Cycling on Old York Road

Cycle access on Old York Road will be retained, as will its status as part of Cycle Superhighway 8. Dedicated space for cyclists will also serve as the access road for delivery vehicles.

The temporary planters will be removed and replaced with in ground plantings, improving visibility between cyclists and pedestrians, with both the design and signage focused on reinforcing that Old York Road is a shared space and cyclists should take care and travel at low speeds.

Additional cycle parking will be integrated into the design.

Biodiversity and sustainable drainage systems

The existing trees on Old York Road will be retained with the exception of two that will be replaced due to their age and health. The existing trees on Old York Road are Ash trees and cannot be replaced on a like for like basis because of Ash dieback disease, and so two new trees of a complementary species will be planted instead.

The temporary planters will be replaced with permanent in-ground plantings that will also support drainage and act as rain gardens.


Buses will continue to use the routes that have been in place since 2020, with northbound buses using Morie Street and Ferrier Street, and southbound buses using Swandon Way. 

There will be four bus stops for the No. 28, 44, N28 and N44 buses serving Old York Road including two new bus stops.


Key dates and actions for the Old York Road scheme



July 2020 – October 2020

A Pedestrian and Cycle Zone is trialled on Old York Road on weekends only in response to lockdown restrictions (see Paper No. 20.169 and Paper No. 20.291).

April 2021 – October 2021

A Pedestrian and Cycle Zone trial is re-introduced on Old York Road in response to lockdown restrictions with some amendments to the design. A public consultation runs for the duration of the trial.

February 2022 – March 2022

Options for the permanent redesign for Old York Road are created and the public is consulted (see Paper No. 21-313 and Paper No.22-191)

June 2022

Approval is given to start constructing the preferred permanent redesign of Old York Road (see Paper No.22-191)

Expected to start in 2023

Construction of the permanent redesign of Old York Road commences

May 2025

First phase of construction (between Morie Street and Ferrier Street) will be completed

Spring 2025

Network Rail are currently expected to start works to install lifts at Wandsworth Town Rail Station. Construction on the second phase (Ferrier Street to Bramford Gardens) will start once these works are completed in 2026.