Street parties

Street parties are a great way to meet your neighbours, build community spirit, enjoy walking and cycling, and create space for children to play.

What is a street party?

This information and application process is for small streets parties organised by residents of their street only.

Larger public events require a different application process. If you would like to hold a larger public event, you should apply for a road closure.

In the spirit of community and social cohesion, street parties are meant to be self-organised and self-funded.

The ethos of a residential street party is that the party is free for residents and is organised on a 'bring-to-share' basis. Therefore, you cannot charge residents to attend a street party.

The main differences between a small street party and larger public events are listed in the table below.

Types of events

Street parties Larger public events
For neighbours or residents only Anyone can attend
Publicised only to neighbours or residents Wider publicity (such as newspapers)
Licences not normally needed Licence usually needed
No formal risk assessment needed Risk assessment normally needed
Insurance not needed Insurance needed
Self-organised Professional organisers
No charge for attending Possible charge for attending

Please note we do not approve the use of bouncy castles or structures on the highway.

Clean Air Day and Car Free Day 2024

This year, Clean Air Day is on 20 June and Car Free Day is on 22 September. Celebrating these days with your neighbours is a great way to bring the local community together, allow people to experience the streets free of motor traffic, give children the space to play safely, and reduce air pollution.

  • To hold a Clean Air Day street party between 20 and 23 June, submit your application by Friday 17 May
  • To hold a Car Free Day street party between 21 and 22 September, submit your application any time from 15 July until 16 August

Street parties usually cost £64 but those held to mark Clean Air Day and Car Free Day are free of charge, to encourage residents to come together.


In most cases you do not need insurance cover for a street party, but you should plan a safe event and review the risks involved.

If we suggest or you think that insurance is a good idea you can visit Streets Alive or the Big Lunch for further advice.

Risk assessment

A formal assessment is not required. However, you should think about minimising any risks from electricity, accident, burns, damage, rain, breakages and so on. You may also want to consider a back up plan in case things go wrong e.g. What would you do if there was bad weather? Ensure that an adult is always in change of a barbeque, you can use plastic cups instead of glasses etc.

You will be responsible for the safety of the event. Agree in advance that everyone should take responsibility for themselves and watch out for each other, especially children. Note that bonfires must not be held on any part of the road including greens.

You are required to inform the emergency services to tell them of the street party.

Signage and closing the street

Once your application has been approved by us you will need to arrange signage and closure of the street.

How to close a street

The street must be closed to vehicles at each end of the designated party area. You can close the street by putting up signs and barriers that are easy to notice.

These barriers must be staffed throughout the duration of the closure. The barriers should be staffed by a responsible person capable of moving the barrier quickly in the event of an emergency vehicle requiring access.

It is important to note:

  • A street party will not be permitted on a bus route
  • There must be unrestricted access for pedestrians
  • The street must be accessible to emergency service vehicles at all times
  • A 4 metre (approx 13') wide gap should be kept clear for emergency vehicles

How long to close the street for

We will consider the closure of the street for the hours requested in your application, and will agree if they are not excessive. Taking noise into account a street party finish time of 8pm is reasonable.

For further information on closing a street contact

Signs and barriers

At each barrier you must securely place a 'Road Closed' sign, and if required, a 'Diversion' sign with an appropriate arrow direction.

In some cases, you must also provide diversion signs along the diversion route. Signs reading 'Diverted Traffic' with an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction must be clearly displayed and securely fixed along the alternative route. These must be regulation signs (not drawn or printed).

You can hire regulation signs, cones and barriers for your party from our depot. If you are hiring signs from our depot you are advised to book early.

These must be collected and returned to our depot at Frogmore:

Frogmore Stores
Frogmore Complex
Dormay Street
London SW18 1EY

Opening hours are from 7.30am to 4.30pm.

Alternatively, regulation signs can be hired or purchased from tool and equipment specialists such as HSS Hire and Speedy Hire.

Cost of signs and barriers

  • An approximate price for two 'Road Closed' signs plus two barriers is £30
  • Additional signs will cost an extra £5 per sign

Alcohol licence

Alcohol licences are only required if alcohol is sold. At a private party, sharing drinks with your neighbours does not require a licence. If you did want to sell alcohol, you need a Temporary Event Notice.

Entertainment licence

You can play live or recorded music. You do not need a licence if:

  • Your street party is a private party for residents
  • Music is not advertised in advance to attract people
  • You are not making money.

You will be responsible to ensure that music is kept to a reasonable level. Any additional lighting that the party uses must not be run off of the street lighting electricity supply.

Permit to serve food

You do not need a licence to sell food at a private party, unless you want to only sell hot food and drink after 11pm.

If you use barbeques, they must be placed and used on private forecourts and gardens.

Permission to have a tombola/raffle

You won't probably need permission to have a tombola or raffle if tickets are sold on the day and the prizes are not worth more than £500 in total. If this is the case, then it will be exempt form gambling regulations.

However, if tickets are sold in advance, you will need a lottery registration and should email

Any proceeds from the tombola or raffle must go to a good cause such as charity or to cover the cost of your party..

Cleaning up afterwards

You will need to clear up after your party. Let people know in advance what time the party will finish and set aside space for bin bags and recycling.

You are responsible for the clearance of litter and residue from the party.


There is currently a charge of £64 for street parties.

How to apply

To host a street party you will need to complete our online application form. This form should only take a few minutes to complete. 

You should complete the application form at least six weeks before the date of your planned party.

Once you have submitted your form, we will process your application and get back to you once a decision has been made.

You can check on the progress of your application by emailing