The Adopted Local Plan

The Local Plan consists of a series of documents which set out our spatial vision for Wandsworth and a strategy for how this vision will be achieved.

What is a Local Plan?

The Local Plan is the key planning document for the borough. It sets out a 15-year vision and framework for the future development of the borough, addressing the needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure. It is sets out how the borough’s natural and historic environments will be conserved and enhanced, outlines a strategy for the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and sets out principles for creating well designed places.

The Local Plan is the main document that is used for making decisions on planning applications within the borough.

The new Wandsworth Local Plan 2023-2038

The new Wandsworth Local Plan and Policies Map was adopted on 19 July 2023. The following are available:

Please note that the Policies Map layers which are not designated through the Local Plan process, may be updated over time, such as flood zones or conservation areas. Where possible these layers are updated to ensure the map shows the latest information. However, it is recommended that you consult the original source for the most up to date data.

You can view the most up to date live mapping.

If you would like to understand more about what the Local Plan does, what it means for residents and the key issues it addresses, view the Local Plan Explained.

The superseded Local Plan

Wandsworth’s superseded Local Plan consists of several documents that were adopted between 2016 and 2018. It is formed of:

The borough’s policies are supported by different designations. The borough has produced an interactive map (select the ‘Adopted Local Plan (Consolidated 2018)’ layer in the legend) which compiles the designations from four Local Plan documents above.

The borough has also published a PDF version of the Policies Map (front and back), however please note that due to large file size only a low resolution version has been made online.

The London Plan

Wandsworth is one of 32 boroughs in London. The Mayor of London is responsible for producing a planning strategy for the city as a whole, which forms part of the borough’s ‘Development Plan’ alongside the Local Plan. The current London Plan was adopted in March 2021. See the Greater London Authority’s London Plan web page for more information.



Planning Policy
Environment and Community Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU