Poetry in the Park (2018-2019)

Spoken word organisation Apples and Snakes led this project with pupils from Falconbrook and Westbridge Primary Schools. 

BREIS and Kat Francois led workshops looking at the theme of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’, exploring thoughts and feelings the area they live in and where they feel at home. 


In Year 1 students from both schools presented their creative skills at Poetry in the Park, performing in York Gardens in front of their peers, teachers, families, and other guests. The audience were treated to a live performance of unique spoken word, poetry and Rap, creating reflections from around the corner and around the world by young local poetry talent. 

In Year 2 a group of pupils from Westbridge Primary performed their work live at the WAF Schools Showcase in which filmed performances were also screened. Live performances were also held at both schools.

The project was commissioned by Wandsworth Arts Service, funded by Linden Homes.