Services to help you live independently
Having improvements or adaptations may help you stay at home, but you may also need other services to help you maintain your independence.
Council services
- Access to adult social care services
- Advice for older or disabled people
- Advice and information for council tenants
- Advice and information for council leaseholders
- Council grants - for disabled residents
- Housing options for older and disabled people - sheltered and extra care housing
- Privately owned - for tenants renting in the private sector
- Neighbourhood WatchÂ
- Other community safety information and advice
- Safety, repairs and maintenance in your council home
- Telecare alarm service
- WATCH Lifeline (Wandsworth Alarm Telephone Care Helpline)
Other organisations and services
- Age UK Wandsworth - telephone: 020 8877 8940, free national helpline: 0800 009 966
- Warm Front - energy efficiency and home insulation
- Charities Advisory Trust
- Citizens Advice Bureau (03454 04 05 06)
- Independent Age - for older people, their families and carers
- DWP - benefits and allowances
- DirectGov - government website
- EAC - information about housing options for older people
- Energy Saving Trust - free help and advice on saving energy in your home - telephone 0800 512012
- Foundations - national home improvement agencies information
- FSA - financial services and standards
- Just Retirement Solutions - home improvement loans
- Houseproud - loans for older or disabled households
- Job Centre Plus - access to work scheme for disabled employees and self-employed
- Pension Service
- Soldiers, Sailors and Air Forces Association
- Wandsworth Care Alliance
- Wandsworth Older People's Forum
Winter fuel payments - visit GOV.UK or telephone the Winter Fuel Payment Helpline on 0845 915 15 15. Lines are open from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.