If you have been asked to leave by family or friends
Friends and families disagree sometimes and may tell you to leave. We will do everything we can to help sort out problems if you have been asked to leave home.
Resolving the disagreement
In most cases these disagreements can be resolved by talking through the issue once everyone has calmed down. It is rarely going to be the best outcome for you to become homeless.
It’s important to know that if you are single, in good health and with no other vulnerabilities it is unlikely that we will help you with housing, if you are asked to leave. Often, when family and friends are advised of this possibility they will consider letting you stay or return, rather than see you struggle as homeless.
But, if you are going to become homeless, it will be easier if you have some time to plan how and when you leave. You may also find our guidance on finding a home and housing options useful.
If you are at risk of violence and need to leave straight away contact the housing options team. Call 999 if you are in immediate danger.
How we can help
- We ask everyone to try and solve their problems first as a family
- Offer mediation to resolve the issues you are having
- Arrange a behaviour agreement between you and your family/host
- Offer support and refer you to relevant agencies where appropriate
- You move into accommodation with your extended family/friends.
We can mediate if you would rather have us speak on your behalf. To request this service, please email homelessprevention@wandsworth.gov.uk.
You may not be entitled to a council home and may have to find a deposit and rent in advance for a home. See GOV.UK for information on housing costs and Universal Credit.
Other support and help
These agencies might assist you. They could find you a safe place to go and offer support:
- Childline 0800 1111 (young people)
- Wandsworth Mediation Service: 020 7223 7744
- Kids (SEND): 020 7359 3635(option 2) free mediation and disagreement resolution for parents and young people
- Women’s Aid victims of domestic violence 0808 2000 247
- Shelter emergency helpline: 0808 800 4444 - call for urgent advice if you have nowhere to stay tonight or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home
- The Foyer Federation (may offer accommodation) 020 7430 2212
- Centrepoint (housing for homeless young people) 0845 466 3400
- Talk to Frank 0300 123 6600
- Victim Support 0808 1689 111