Tenant Satisfaction Measures

As part of the Social Housing Regulation Act (2003), the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) introduced a series of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). These measures include 12 tenant perception measures based on satisfaction with service delivery, and 10 management information questions related to performance in areas of health and safety (for example gas safety and asbestos). The measures also include how well landlords respond to complaints. 

These must be submitted to the government on an annual basis, covering the period from 1 April to 31 March, and must be made available to residents on our website. This is the first year we are reporting the measures and they will also be published on the Regulator of Social Housing’s website later this year.

On this page we set out our reported TSMs including our current position in relation to the building safety measures, to show where we have made improvements.

Tenant perception measures

12 of the 22 TSMs are taken from an annual face-to-face perception survey conducted with 1,112 council tenants by BMG Research, on our behalf. The perception survey measures levels of tenant satisfaction with the delivery of housing management services. More information on our perception survey approach can be found in the summary of approach document. You can also view the the full perception survey which contains a comprehensive breakdown of the analysis.

Table 1: 12 tenant perception measures
TSM code Tenant perception measure


TP01 Overall satisfaction 64%
TP02 Satisfaction with repairs  53%
TP03 Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair  52%
TP04 Satisfaction that the home is well maintained  59%
TP05 Satisfaction that the home is safe 76%
TP06 Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them 51%
TP07 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them 66%
TP08 Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect  77%
TP09 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints  16%
TP10 Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained  56%
TP11 Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods  67%
TP12 Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour 


Overall tenant satisfaction with the Council has increased this year to 64% from 54% in 2023. The areas where tenants are most satisfied include satisfaction that their homes are safe (76%) and that the Council treats tenants with fairness and respect (77%). Overall, we have seen improvement across eight of the 12 Tenant Perception measures compared to our 2022/23 perception survey.  

We recognise that more work needs to be done on tenant satisfaction with repairs and we will continue to work with contractors to improve performance with the quality and time taken to complete a repair. Through the Area Housing Panels we also report real time data on tenant satisfaction with repairs. We will also look to improve satisfaction levels with our approach to handling complaints by working closely with the Housing Ombudsman (HO) and making the HO service more visible to tenants.

Management information (MI) measures

The ten management information measures are calculated from data that we hold and are categorised as decent homes and repairs services, complaints and antisocial behaviour and building safety.

Table 2: Decent homes and repairs services
TSM code Management information measure


RP01 Homes that do not meet the decent homes standard  5%
RP02a Repairs completed within target timescales 85%
RP02b Emergency repairs completed within target timescales 98%

95% of our stock meets the Decent Homes Standard, based on a stock condition survey carried out in 2022. For repairs completed within target timescales, considerable progress has been since this figure was last reported in March 2023 (72%), whilst performance for completing emergency repairs within target timescales is consistent with reporting from previous years. Information on repairs performance is reported quarterly to the Area Housing Panels.

Table 3: Complaints and antisocial behaviour
TSM code Management information measure


CH01 Stage 1 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (per 1,000 homes) 11.6
CH01 Stage 2 complaints relative to the size of the landlord (per 1,000 homes) 5.4
CH02 Stage 1 complaints responded to within complaint handling code timescales  79%
CH02 Stage 2 complaints responded to within complaint handling code timescales  57%
NM01 Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (per 1,000 homes) 17.4
NM02 Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened (per 1,000 homes) 0.2

The number of complaints relative to our tenant size is low, however we are continuing to work closely with tenants and the HO service to further improve our overall response times for both stage one and stage two complaints.

Table 4: Building safety
TSM code Management information measure

Performance (2023/24)

Performance (September 2024)

BS01 Gas safety checks  99% 99%
BS02 Fire safety checks  99% 100%
BS03 Asbestos safety checks  65% 96%
BS04 Water safety checks* 17% 58%
BS05 Lift safety checks  84% 99%

Whilst some of our figures were not as high as we wanted them to be at the end of last year, we have made considerable progress in these areas in the first part of this year. We have put measures in place to improve compliance relating to asbestos, water and lift safety checks. We have worked closely with contractors and sub-contractors to increase the number of checks that are being undertaken and intend to achieve full compliance across all building safety measures by the end of 2024.

We continue to work to improve the number of water safety checks. A dedicated Building Safety team undertakes sampling to enable the testing of the stored cold water supply and we can confirm that in 2023/24, 100% of these checks were completed*.

* The Water Safety Checks TSM relates to Legionella Risk Assessments, however we also undertake additional testing of our cold-water storage.


If you have any questions relating to any of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures or would like to know more about how we are looking to improve any of the areas listed, do not hesitate to email us: housingandregenerationdirectorate@wandsworth.gov.uk.