Housing performance and statistics

The Housing and Regeneration Department, in line with all Council departments, monitors its performance in key areas to ensure its services are delivered to a standard acceptable to our residents and to meet any legal requirements.

Housing topline indicators

At the highest level there are the topline indicators which are reported to the Housing and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HROSC). The toplines relate to the delivery of the council's priorities. The performance measures are reviewed at least annually and are used to identify areas for service improvement.

View the performance indicators (toplines) for the department. An overall performance assessment is provided using 'traffic light' colours. This provides readers with a quick indication of those areas where performance has met or exceeded target or requires to improve.

As an Open Council, performance is compared with other London councils where possible to ensure that the service we provide is amongst the best in London.

Annual Report

Each year Housing publishes an annual report to residents which includes a summary of the previous year's activity and performance information based on the regulatory and service standards. The service areas included in this report are subject to an annual review by a resident focus group. The report is published in the September issue of Homelife.

Area Housing Panel Performance Reports

A range of comparative information is provided to Area Housing Panels (AHPs) on a quarterly basis and a further annual performance report is produced. These provide an opportunity for residents to scrutinise the Council's performance in delivering housing services. 

Annual performance report

The annual housing performance reports contain information on the performance of the housing management area teams and contractors under their control.

Quarterly performance information

We provide information on the quarterly performance of the housing management area teams and the contractors under their control is the reports below.






For older versions of the Annual Reports and the Area Housing Panel Performance Reports, email housingandregenerationdirectorate@wandsworth.gov.uk.

Government statistics and standards

Statistical submissions

In addition to local performance indicators we also submit information to central government to compare performance against other local authorities. This can be viewed on the Department of Communities and Local Government website at Local Authority Housing Statistics and Homelessness Statutory Statistics.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services. As of April 2023, all social landlords will need to collect and submit outcomes for the 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures as part of the consumer standards. Read more about Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Regulatory standards

The Regulatory Standards for landlords (from April 2024) are set by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) and set out the consumer and economic standards for registered providers of housing; these place emphasis on the relationship between landlords and their residents at a local level. Consumer standards apply to all registered providers, including local authorities. Economic standards apply only to private registered providers; these include organisations previously known as housing associations (HAs) or registered social landlords (RSLs).

The regulatory standards aim to put residents at the heart of shaping, influencing and monitoring the services they receive, and the RHS expects all landlords to deliver the outcomes and specific expectations of the standards that apply to them. 

The Council's local housing service standards are linked to the RSH standards and were reviewed and streamlined in 2023 in consultation with Council residents. 

Our performance against these standards is set out in the Annual Report to residents, published in the September issue of Homelife.