Principles of a good transition

The transition from children’s to adult services can be a daunting prospect. Therefore, our approach to transition is centred around five core principles. The aim of these principles is to ensure that young people have ’a good transition, whoever you are’. Our vision is that all young people in Wandsworth should feel supported, informed and empowered with their transition. 

Core principles

Our core principles are detailed below.


Young people should have a transition plan that is personal to them and reflects their individual needs, aspirations and interests.


By establishing a clear and flexible plan, young people and their families can effectively plan for the future and easily adapt to changing circumstances. By keeping young people and their families involved in the planning and preparation process we can also manage expectations so young people are aware of the care we can realistically deliver.


We aim to ensure young people have easy access to information on their transition. As part of our commitment to transparency we aim to clearly lay out the options available to young people whether they are eligible for council support or not. Young people should be included in their transitions and have their opinions heard.


We want to support young people to develop their own identities and abilities to live independently, where possible.

We will do this by having positive conversations about what young people can do for themselves to realise their ambitions to live the best life they can. We call this a ‘strengths-based approach’.


We aim to work with our partners from health, education and the voluntary sector to ensure young people are receiving the support they need to thrive and succeed with or without the support of Adult Social Care.