Apply for a permit to walk more than four dogs

This permit is for residents who wish to walk more than four (and up to six) dogs in the borough's parks and open spaces.

There is a separate licence for professional dog walkers.


You can apply for a permit if you are a resident of the borough, or a resident of a neighbouring borough who lives close to the borough boundary.

If you own more than four dogs you can walk up to six of your own dogs on all council-owned or managed land (except for areas where dogs are specifically prohibited).

Permit period

Resident permits are granted for a period of three years from the date of issue and are renewable subject to the approval of a new application.  

Details of dogs

You will need to supply the following details for all dogs you plan to walk:

  • Breed
  • Description
  • Colour
  • Name
  • Chip number

Terms and conditions

By completing the application you agree to the:

Please ensure you have read these carefully before beginning your application.

Submit your application

To apply for your permit, complete the online form. 

Apply now

If you require a paper application form email

Assessing applications

We will contact you when we have processed your application. This should be within two weeks.

You may be asked to attend a meeting with the Inspector from the Parks and Events Police Service to check information that you have provided. 

Using your permit

You must carry a copy of the permit with you when you are walking more than four dogs.


If you have any questions about resident dog walking permits, email